Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Corporate governance is defined as a set of structures and processes that organisations put in place for management and control purposes, and its purpose is to balance and control the relationship between shareholders, administrators and directors and managers, and external groups of interest (investors, customers, suppliers, creditors and regulatory and government authorities). More specifically, corporate governance comprises the base and control structure that defines the level of risk that shareholders are prepared to take, the strategic direction to follow and the policies to be introduced to do so, all at the highest level.
Setting up and defining the administrative body, its rights and its functions are crucial factors of corporate governance, including the setting up and functioning of committees and a supervisory body with a framework of consequences.
No business may be controlled efficiently or risks properly mitigated, reduced or eliminated if there is not a corporate governance structure in place or if it is not supported at a second level by control structures, which mainly comprise policies, procedures, manuals and standard formats that support operations in detail and that specify risks and the risk management controls established, all with a business process approach.
Our team of specialists will define corporate governance for your organisation, which is necessary as part of the institutionalisation process, even in family-run businesses. Our services include the diagnosis, identification, development and implementation of improvement opportunities, including monitoring and directors sitting on administrative bodies or corporate committees.